Welcome Fibromyalsia Suffers

Many of us feel alone. The purpose of this blog is so we no longer will feel alone. Where we can share what we have learned and vent what we wish we could change.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Physical Road Blocks

It seems no matter what I do. I am either loosing weight like crazy...for instance 2 years ago I lost 52 pounds. Now I am 5 feet tall that was a lot to loose I went the gym worked with a trainer and watch what I ate BUT the Fibro was kicking my butt the entire time.  Needless to say I have gained all the weight back. I actually don't know what I weigh right now.  I tried to continue the gym but like I said "kicked my butt" to the point that I went into the worse flair up ever. I obviously can't do that much. One doctor I saw said do something everyday even if its only 5 minutes....Well I'm never going to loose weight that way. Another says YOGA YOGA....BTW I love doing it warms up my muscles and isn't going to put in bed for the rest of the week but for loosing weight no can do.

Another thing to consider is the medications we are on. Some actually will allow us to loose weight but most(like anti-depressants/Fibro meds) side affect is weight gain. I have had one doctor tell me is either you live with being chunky or live with the pain, that it was my choice........REALLY that is no choice at all as far as I am concerned.

Sooo I do what I can when I can. I eat healthy and in moderation. Yes I need to start walking and doing Yoga again but with two hospitalizations and 5 consecutive infections that part was not possible but so far so good. I have been okee dokee. Lets hope it last so I can get back to what I like and what works.  YES that is my advise to you DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! What works for you?

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