Welcome Fibromyalsia Suffers

Many of us feel alone. The purpose of this blog is so we no longer will feel alone. Where we can share what we have learned and vent what we wish we could change.

Friday, December 31, 2010

I special thought from a fellow sufferer

Your face is burned n my mind... Ur deep voice plays over n my ear... How badly I wished I was n ur arms... With my head resting on ur chest to hear ur heart beat... Holding hands n dancing to music we humm together... Your my Teddybear n no matter if we end up together or not....
I found this to be touching and a wonderful source of comfort. Beverly I hope you don't mind sharing your beautiful thought.

Monday, December 27, 2010

My battle today

I have been loosing weight. This is all due to a new med called Savella and diet and exercising.(which I found helps) I have lost 50 lbs. Yes I am not ashamed to say I was a 5ft woman who was 215 lbs. I am now 165 and have 30 to go to be at a healthy weight. Well with my heart scare and coming down of meds the gym was not going to happen, not right away at least and Christmas...Well sure a couple pounds crept in.  So I got up this morning waited for meds to kick in and went to the gym. I did some weights and walked on the treadmill with an 3incline at 2mph. My heart rate stayed at a good level. The doc said keep in the 130's to 135 range which I did. I felt great stretching those little legs of mine. I got home little fleggles but none to be worried about and with this surge of energy I cleaned my bathroom and got the kids doing there chores...if they hoped to see the light of day.

Here is where I might have regretted it. I take a shower and pain comes in like a tsunami. Where is the icy-hot, heating pad and my bed. Luckily my husband took kids to see a movie and shopping. so I got a nap in. So I feel well rested but the pain will not cease. I think I tried and epically failed...,this is my negative side but...by positive side says at least you got into that gym and that bathroom will no longer gross you out. I'm going back tomorrow and the next and the next I have too. I want to get healthy again. You know I used to care what my body looked like but after 2 kids scores of surgeries. The positive thing to do is not look at that but work on my inside. My self esteem and self worth....I need to ask myself how do I look in those areas. Lately not so good. I've made mistakes and am paying for them but I know if I try things will work out..

My fellow sufferers lets not give up. We can't let this take our lives over even though it has in a lot of ways but lets grab a hold of what we can and run with it. Try Try Try is all I ask and If you are a spiritual person...It is all your Heavenly Father asks of you. Keep your faith alive if not with a higher authority but keep Faith in yourself.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mon Feels Fleggle-Hammer: Hello

Mon Feels Fleggle-Hammer: Hello: "Just that Hello. Hello to my fellow sufferers. How are you all? I wonder if those that follow me want to voice there stories. I encourage to..."


Just that Hello. Hello to my fellow sufferers. How are you all? I wonder if those that follow me want to voice there stories. I encourage to share this site with sufferers you know. I feel like it is at a stand still. Lets revive it. We need all the support we can get!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Discover may work for you

Found a new herbal tea that helps relax. I have been having one cup in the afternoon and 1 before bed. Every day I sleep alittle longer. So I highly recommend it to relax or to take the edge of your nerves its called Linden Tea or Te de Tila for you spanish speakers. My mom has been trying to get me to try it for years. I'm glad I finally listened. Who knew but parents actually know a thing or two!

Wanted to share a bit of info that may work for you.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

R We Crazy

Yes absolutely bonkers. No just kidding. The question is do we feel crazy every moment of everyday. We are giving a variety of pain meds, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or some experimental fibro pill. Sure they help but not completely and not without side effects.   Do we have a choice to take them or not. Most of us don't some can handle it with a herbal avenue or some of us do a little a both we all need different amounts and needs. I haven't met one of us that are exactly the same.  This tells me that doctors are clueless and throwing darts just trying to hit the target. We adjust and re-adjust and all the while our body reacts. Recently I went through a scare.

As you know I took a semi herbal approach  and it had been working/helping but unfortunately I didn't plan for my immune system to go down. So first a got a cold then I got a stomach flu. This stomach flu ended me up in the E.R. passing out from dehydration. The doctors also notice a high heart rate. Well long story short my heart is fine but I was definitely being over medicated and 2 of my meds had serotonin in them which raised my heart rate. So Doctor decided I need to reduce one of them. I had too because in the long run I would really cause damage to my body. The avenue we took was reducing the anti-depressant and not the new fibro med. At first no noticeable changes. That's were you get tricked.  I thought I can handle this but slowly but surely I was slipping into a sense of loneliness and in a way I had a reason too but my reaction which came to a head today, I had no reason for. I blew up at a friend then proceeded to blow up at my husband saying things I know I shouldn't have said insensitive things while being in a very sensitive situation My poor husband didn't know how to take it. I didn't know how to take it.  So I prayed for clarity and realized the doctor told me that my body and emotions would react to the change but it was for the better. I wanted to get back to the gym.  The "A Ha" moment today.  My xanax had some delays mix ups with Dr.'s office and pharmacy(sound familiar to anybody) so with out me realizing it I had not taken 2 doses. So of course I blow up.  The messes this illness creates to us and our poor family and friends. It's no wonder we feel crazy a lot of the time.

So the answer is sure we are crazy but only the sane think they are insane. the insane have no clue that they truly r crazy.