Welcome Fibromyalsia Suffers

Many of us feel alone. The purpose of this blog is so we no longer will feel alone. Where we can share what we have learned and vent what we wish we could change.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Fleggle-hammer and children. How can we juggle then at the same time..uuuuuuhhhhhhh I don't know! How do we ? How do you?

I think about my kids. They are my world what I wouldn't do for them or the question should be, what could I do for them that minute of that day. My children have had to grow up probably a little faster than most. You know learning how to do the basics like clean, laundry, food. They for the most part can do it all. I didn't want them growing up early. I sometimes hate myself for that. I had to grow up to early. Enjoy there childhood is what I wanted....They have gone through so mush in there lives....like loosing loved ones and having mom move them clear across the state only to move them back. They have had to hear "no we cannot afford that."  I want to give them the world and be there best friend. BBBUUUTTT would I be raising good , productive, honest, hard working and confident individuals with goals and dreams. People that will be able to take on that tough world.  I don't think so. I would have to say no regrets there. It's a bad bad world out there and most kids don't know work ethic or even how to take care of there basic needs.

Most people would probably think neglect or something along those lines but I will tell you something. Good or bad days...I am always there for them. Even if I'm laying in bed or on my recliner shifting around because I can't get comfortable, with things like Homework. I stop and work it out with them. I drag my self to sit in the hot sun to watch them play there sports and chauffeur them to piano and school activities. Yes sometimes its Dad, Yes sometimes I ask can you get a ride but I make the effort. One day there was so much to do school, gym, dr. appts, game, church  activity and pick up that last minute thing that they always forget to tell you until the last minute. I grabbed an energy Rockstar drink. Now in our faith with stay away from addictive type of things....coffee, tea, alcohol, drug, etc. well my son sees this and asked why are you drinking this. I say so I can do all I have to do today and still make your game.  Well those thing have caffeine, tea which are things I should stay away from and I say " Son I have too, my meds make me tired and I want to be there for you". He says mom I rather you miss my game and rest then drink that crap." Wow he was the parent. I got my lecture. I haven't had one since.

I put myself down all the time for the negative affects this illness has on my children but I believe....Things happen for a reason. My kids are great kids. They can handle most anything and are always there to even help mom. That is showing them compassion, understanding and learning to serve there fellow man...

What I am trying to get at is that kids can learn from this as much as you do and will come out better on the other end for it. I truly believe that with all my heart and soul. Maybe one of our kids will figure out a cure for this thing one day. Who knows...The possibilities are endless.

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