Welcome Fibromyalsia Suffers

Many of us feel alone. The purpose of this blog is so we no longer will feel alone. Where we can share what we have learned and vent what we wish we could change.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I know the day isn't over but since about 9 last night. I feel free- good- amazing. What changesd  I realized the disagreements I had were over.  Whether the other parties felt that way or not. I found the answers I was seeking for my peace of mind. Believe it or not it started out with a Migraine and feeling lower than I had in a long time. Ya crazy huh. My last post was about limitations and not being a failure because all you wanted to accomplish in your day, was not done due to pain, migraines, or fatigue.  I considered deleting my facebook account. That did not go well with some of my family and friend. They rooted for me to stay to continue posting and blogging. One person said God was using me to speak and give comfort to people out there. I thought wow is she talking about me?.....no no no not me can't be but she was. I don't pretend to know everything about fibromyalsia but I do just say what I am feeling and if I even help one person I have accomplish my purpose with writing this blog. I can take compliments. It's OK. Doesn't mean you are "stuck up" if you do. Compliments make the worst days the best days. I went to bed. After making a last ditch effort to get through to this person. I told her about myself through some conversations  I had with another family member. Where I bore a very personal thing that occurred in my life. She suggested I tell this person. Then she might understand my fight and determination and why I do the thing I do. I haven't got a response since but that's OK. My husband came home and as I lay half asleep I felt him stoke my face. He loves me, He really loves me I thought. I got up migraine resuming but got the kids up and said "I trust you guys to get ready" and I went to lay down. Next thing I know my husband says. I taking the kids to school. WOW!. I slept and rest of the morning woken up to my visiting teacher from church. She the person assigned to me to check in on me every once in a while maybe even bring me a word of God but she just listened as I told her about everything and she was courteous, kind and thoughtful. Never judging me  and always very in tune with me. That why I love my Lord. He thinks of everything. Felt relief there to unload face to face with someone. Awesome. I picked up my kids, piano was cancelled and nothing else to do today except take all our church teenager to a scary corn maze and pumpkin patch. I always have fun with my Young Women and Men. They emanate youth and I will need that tonight.

So was It a good day? What do you think? I think a resounding YES! Peace, love, understanding, and being grateful for the little things...the small blessing. I was getting low wanting to give it all up and just hide in my room but even then someone...Everyone did not allow that to happen. 

Don't be afraid to lean on those in your lives or the ones that cross your path. Seek help, find peace where  you thought none could be found. Even the littlest things makes it worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this sister. I am so proud of YOU. I love you with all my heart and I am blessed to have you in MY life.
